Today's C-Suite looks a lot different than it once did a decade ago. New titles such as Chief Experience Officer and Chief Culture Officer are permeating company offices on a global scale in the wake and pursuit of the modern workplace. As businesses continue to redefine what 'business as usual' means, company's must be prepared for both the present and the future work landscape. Team members responsibilities must be geared towards business today and business tomorrow. How does a company do that? To start, roles and responsibilities must be defined and aligned with the trajectory of the company's mission. At CoreTech, we have recently rebranded our company's brand identity to reflect our company's growth and to align with our brand's ethos. But, we didn't stop there. Our rebrand was inspired by the company’s values and the people who live by them. The most important part of our business is to make sure that our clients’ and employees’ interests are always at our core and we discovered there is more than one way to showcase this. Our rebrand aligned our mission from the outside in, but our new company titles shifts the focus from the inside, out; ensuring our mission is omnipresent across every touchpoint of the organization. Our mission is to keep our client's interests at our core. It's both a mission and a promise to our clients which is fulfilled with the help of our greatest asset –– the people of CoreTech. So, it only makes sense to equip our people with the titles that support them and their ability to provide excellent service to our clients.
Our new titles are designed to fit the existing company structure and better articulate our core values by integrating the client experience as the focal point of each new title. Similar to how we outgrew our original brand identity, we have outgrown conventional team member roles and titles.
An example of this can be seen in our Client Growth team. Previously referred to as sales, this new title aims to remove barriers or boundaries preventing our team from collaborating or reaching their full potential. At CoreTech, we do not put our employees in a box. On the contrary, we aim to encourage our employees to grow and think outside of the box without the restrictions of limiting job titles or descriptions. Our new titles aim to empower our employees to learn and challenge the status quo to deliver excellent service and maximize value output for the benefit of our clients.
Our team brings our mission to life by delivering our brand's promise across every engagement and client contact point. Our new titles capture this truth. We chose titles that put the focus on the client to ensure the titles transcend time, just like our mission, to contribute to something greater for the livelihood of our clients and employees.